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Showing posts from August, 2018

God Never Fails πŸ™ŒπŸ»❤️

Today has been particularly hard. It’s only 12:45 pm & I’ve already cried about 30 times today. Worship at church this morning had me bawling like a baby. Today I feel alone. I feel like a failure. Today is one of those days where everywhere I look all I see is pregnant women & babies. This morning at church I cried to God. I needed His love. I needed to feel Him, & I did. I begged God this morning for two pink lines. I begged God to show me a way because right now it feels like there isn’t one. The last few months, the last few weeks to be more specific, have been particularly rough. Four weeks ago I went to the dr & was diagnosed with PCOS. It had been less than a week since my husband & I got baptized & the devil decided he was gonna come in swinging. My heart shattered. God had already placed me through the storm of dealing with Endometriosis, & now this. How was i supposed to fight both battles at once & still walk around with my held high like