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To the best friends that I miss tremendously

I’m watching through a phone screen as each of your life’s blossom into something amazing. As one of you falls in love with a man who I pray is treating you right. & as the other one of you becomes a mommy to such a beautiful baby girl. I never imagined our lives would play out this way. Or that I would be missing you this much one day. I guess God chooses a path for us that may not always seem right or easy. Each of you look so happy with the life God has given you. &, oh my, I am so happy for you too.

I wish I could put into words just how happy & proud I am for both of you. & explain to you just how much I miss you both.

I want you to each know that no matter where this crazy life takes us I will always be here. Cheering for you, loving you, praying for you each & every day. No matter what happens between us I will forever & always cherish the times I got to share with you (both the good & the bad). It seems that we have been through it all together. Broken hearts, abusive relationships, trips to Disney World, graduations, bad drunken nights, failed engagements, hospital stays, scary medical diagnosis, miscarriages, weddings, & babies. Every Hugh & low you can imagine, we’ve faced together.

I miss you. I miss our inside jokes, our late nights, & all the ugly Snapchat’s. I miss having someone I could depend on. Someone who loved me even when I wasn’t very loveable. I miss planning every detail of our futures together.

Whatever deck of cards life hands to us, I pray that I am still forever able to watch your life blossom. Whether it be through the phone screen or not.

I miss you. I love you. I’m praying for you. & I can’t wait to hug your neck super tight again.
