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Showing posts from May, 2018

Mother’s Day with Infertility

As Mother’s Day gets closer, I find myself hurting more. My heart is breaking more. This is a feeling I never thought I’d feel. A heartbreak I never thought I would have to understand. When I was 14,I started having stomach pains while at a youth retreat with my church & some of my very best friends. The following Monday my mom took me to a doctor, who told me that my pain was from dancing too much. I’m a big girl who was on the high schools drill team (dance team), so it was completely believable that the dancing & my weight combined could have been causing the pain. It wasn’t until I was 17 that I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I often wonder if maybe the doctors had actually believed me about the pain I was in, if maybe we had caught the endometriosis earlier before it had grown so much, if I would be having the problems I have today. They did the surgery that diagnosed me with endo. My dr told me that the chances of me having kids would be slim, but I didn’t believe he